Friday, April 2, 2010

year one.

“… God gave to us this passion play to reenact, right here and now, the story of the ages. This is the story of mankind, the one story we have been telling ourselves over and over again, in every great myth and legend and poem and song. It is a love story, set in the midst of desperate times, set in the midst of war. It is a story of a shared quest. It is a story of romance. {We} are playing out before you now the deepest and most mythic reality in the world. This is the story of God’s romance with mankind.Love & War, John & Staci Eldredge

“Year One” of the Benson Adventure has been fully recognized and celebrated! To say the least, year one has been a blessing. We have loved, laughed, cried, grown, dreamt, lived, experienced, misunderstood, talked, learned, understood, and LOVED. We attribute this ALL to the LORD as He is the sole reason we are together.


March 21st, 2010 … sunny, warm, and beautiful … much like we were praying for March 21st, 2009, but alas, I wouldn’t dream of changing it! It was a perfect day!

Day 1 of the anniversary celebration: rode scooter around Downtown Sacramento.

We have talked about going to Suzie’s, the old fashioned burger joint, every time we drove by, so last weekend, we scootered our way on over. It was just as cute and quaint as anticipated!

We then scootered our way to Old Town Sacramento (one of my favorite parts of my home-town) and stopped at the Candy Barrel to load up a bucket of salt water taffy before our movie date … mmmmm!

After the movie (cute romantic comedy), we scootered to a coffee shop to sit outside, drink deliciously, sweet, chocolatey-coffee concoctions, read, and dream about the coming year.

Our little apartment was a delight to return to after a day on the town. We grilled up some fabulous burgers and retreated early to prepare for day 2.

Day 2: Drive to the Bay Area. We picnicked at the spot. My heart began to race (I’m a nerd, I know!) as we walked up the trail that a year and half ago changed my life!

The first time Erik took me to this spot, I left with a ring and a fiancé. This time, I went with my husband. We had a wonderful lunch while on top of the cliffs that extend over the bay.

The Golden Gate Bridge decorated our view as we ate and read and talked some more. After our long, relaxing afternoon, we treated ourselves to a few trinkets downtown and to a quiet dinner while being serenaded by the notes of a jazz guitarist. It was perfect.

Day 3: Relax some more! Early morning coffee date, shopping, and movie watching … all while holding hands.

We didn’t need a “weekend away” to enjoy each other and refresh our souls. We prayed together and praised the Lord for the many great blessings He has bestowed on us thus far. We know HE had great things in store for the coming years!



Erik and I are reading a book called "Love & War" along with some friends of ours. It is written by John & Staci Eldredge, who are the authors of “Wild at Heart” and “Captivating” (respectively). These are two books that Erik and I have both read (at different times in our lives) and we have developed a true respect for the passion this couple has for God above all else. “Love & War” is their “marriage” book and it is different than every other marriage book we have read. They communicate over and over again the reason God created marriage … as the example, or symbol, of God’s love, redemption, and salvation to mankind. It is the closest we will get to ever knowing the true, pure fellowship He craves to have with us. BREATHTAKING.

This truly is an incredible adventure and I am so blessed to be able to pursue oneness with my Lord along side my best friend.

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